Thursday, July 10, 2014

No Silent Row

Today marks our one day this week that we don't have to get up for a 6 a.m. row. These rows, deemed "silent rows," are an additional practice to our two mandatory practices. They are called silent rows because it is early enough in the morning that we don't want to wake the neighbors, but in some ways they are silent metaphorically. During this time we are able to just focus on our technique and not worry about how fast we are going. At this time in the morning Great Hosmer Pond is usually flat as glass and between the loons and the rising sun, very picturesque. Today was a refreshing change being able to get up a little later, but we'll be back to the silent rows Friday and Saturday. Next week we plan on getting up early for the 6 a.m. practice towards the end of the week to help adjust us a little bit more towards Italian time. The less we can minimize the 6 hour time change's effect on our bodies the better.

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